Reiki Session
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Can a Reiki Session Help You Overcome Heartbreak? 5 Healings You Need Right Now

broken holographic foil heart on purple metallic background reiki session rainbow

The proven benefits of Reiki sessions for easing physical pain and ailments is well documented, but did you know Reiki sessions can also be a great source of emotional healing, particularly following a break up or other cause of heartbreak? As humans we are social creatures, seeking acceptance, safety and love through connections with others. After that connection is severed for whatever reason, it can throw our internal system into chaos.

When we are operating at a high vibration in balance with the universe, our energy flow and bodily organ system operate like a natural AI. But negative thoughts and feelings create energy blockages (known in Reiki practice as ‘byoki’) which limit your body’s ability to operate efficiently. Unchecked emotional trauma, especially from heartbreak, will quickly manifest in the physical body as pain when byoki builds up around your organs and blocks the natural flow of energy.

Reiki healing sessions, whether virtual or in-person, can clear these blockages. Here are my favorite ways Reiki can help heal your broken heart today and move toward to your highest vibrational self.

1. Enhance Feeling of Peace

Like I said in the beginning, the immediate response to any loss is chaos. Meditation is always good for calming the mind, but can be difficult to do on your own in the midst of emotional turmoil. An energy healing practitioner can guide you to a meditative state, helping you to relax and get a much-needed break from the all-consuming pain you’re feeling right now.

Have you ever felt the sense of relaxation and relief after a good crying session? That’s built-up energy leaving your body. Crying is our physical body’s relief valve when we’ve reached our tolerance threshold for unbalanced energy (notice I said unbalanced, not necessarily negative, it’s why we cry happy tears as well). But it’s an emergency system providing temporary relief-it only releases the energy just above our tolerance level, it doesn’t clear negative energy completely or balance it throughout the body.

A Reiki session can help release the negative energy for good and rebalance your energy for a longer lasting feeling of peace.

2. Cleanse and Balance the Heart Chakra

It’s called heartache for a reason. Even without knowing anything about the energetic flow in the body, society has always recognized its effects. The heart chakra is the energetic center of love in the body, and as such a break up absolutely throws your heart energy out of whack, which can manifest as physical pain and tightness in the chest. Reiki can help restore balance and ease that pain, allowing you to feel love for yourself and accept love from others.

3. Heal Resurfaced Trauma

A break up can cause long buried, unaddressed emotional trauma to rear its ugly head. Especially feelings of abandonment lingering from childhood. In fact, that unaddressed trauma is often why we find ourselves repeating the same negative scenarios. If we were programmed to accept toxic behavior during our formative years, we will continue to attract and seek out unhealthy, codependent, narcissistic relationships. A Reiki session can help re-calibrate your energy to attract healthy, loving relationships that will nurture you on your path.

4. Repair Self Esteem

Let me assure you right now: THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU. We are all our perfect selves, so you never have to prove your worthiness to anyone, it’s inherent to the human condition. I’m sure deep down you know that, but it’s really hard to believe it when you’ve just had your heart stomped. But I promise you, your feelings of not being good enough are the result of the abrupt energy shift from the change in your relationship status, and have no basis in truth.

Thoughts are energy, so ruminating on feelings of unworthiness can attract more negative energy and lead to diminished impulse control (years ago I proved this point by buzz cutting my hair after a harsh separation- still have the pics to remind me of how far I’ve come!)

In a Reiki session, we can re-balance your chakras to stop your negative internal dialogue and get back to accepting yourself for the amazing being you are.

5. Boost Intuition

After a break up you may have tunnel vision, whether it’s only thinking about how to get the relationship back, or only focusing on the good parts. During this time, your intuition can become clouded, prolonging your healing by limiting your ability to objectively look at this separation as something needed and ultimately beneficial.

The universe really does have your back, as much as it may seem like everything is working against you right now. The harsh truth is what you think you want really may not be what’s best for you. Trust me, I know it sucks, but sometimes break ups can be a gift from the universe to remove us from situations we couldn’t or wouldn’t remove ourselves from, ultimately leading us to find our true best selves (again, wish I had gone for the revenge body instead of the buzz cut, but here’s hoping you learn from my mistakes!)

We can channel Reiki healing energy to boost your intuition to help you discover any hidden lessons in your break up, as well as keep you tuned in to any red flags from future potential partners. You won’t be alone forever, and you’re not alone now. Let’s work together to get you through this temporary slump.

Book a session with me HERE

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