What is an Akashic Reading?

An akashic reading is a reading in which a person is seeking deep soul level information concerning their path or those who are seeking to learn more information about their connections with others in previous lifetimes and how they relate to their current path together in this lifetime. There are many reasons to seek out an akashic reading, but all reasons are related to a spiritual seeking of information at the soul level.

How is an Akashic Reading Done?

An akashic reading is done through a reader with the ability to access your soul record through the Hall of Records guide to find specific information regarding your soul contracts, life purposes, journey of growth throughout the history of your soul.
Every thought, emotion, action, and journey of every soul is recorded within your soul record and is stored in the hall of records.

How Does an Akashic Reading Differ from a Psychic Reading?

In a psychic reading the readers are receiving information about your current past, present, or future, and predicting what may happen in your future, or offering guidance directly through your personal guides to help guide you along your current path.
In an akashic reading the reader is working specifically with a hall of records guide who is able to help very specific information from your soul’s akashic record regarding your soul’s purpose in this lifetime and how that connects with other journeys since the beginning of your existence throughout other lifetimes, as well as very specific guidance on how to achieve the growth your soul is seeking here and now.
One famous Akashic records reader was Edgar Cayce. He helped many people throughout his lifetime by helping others better understand their purposes, among a great deal of other very vital individual information. His foundation still exists today and houses a great many of his private readings for all to learn and grow with still today.

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