6 Ways a Psychic Reading Can Help Your Personal Therapy

Are you considering incorporating psychic readings into your therapy sessions? Many people are turning to psychics for insights and guidance to complement their traditional therapy. Psychic readings can offer a unique perspective and help you navigate through challenges in your life. Here are six ways a psychic reading can enhance your therapy experience:
Gain Clarity and Insight in Psychic Readings
One of the most significant benefits of having a psychic reading during therapy is gaining clarity and insight into your situation. Psychics have the ability to help you tap into the realm of your higher self which can provide you with guidance, shedding light on your current circumstances. Their intuitive abilities can help you see things from a different angle and uncover hidden truths that may be affecting your mental and emotional well-being.
How many times have you felt like you could move forward if you just understood clearly what was happening or what happened to you? Clients often say the added element of insight into their spirit’s realm helped them identify where they were being influenced or manipulated by a belief or, if you will, a lie. The clarity that a psychic reading can give you may help you unlock something and bring healing.
One personal example I have is when my late husband was alive and very sick. He would say things to me that, frankly, broke my heart. I would call my personal psychic, Beth Layne, and talk to her about it. I remember one time I called and told her that he had said some really harsh things to me. She immediately soothed me by letting me know that he had a great deal of love for me. I felt the truth of it very clearly. It resonated with me. From that, I was strengthened to let the things he said go. Later, he apologized and validated what she said. That is a healing moment all day long.

Connect with Your Higher Self in Psychic Readings
A psychic reading can help you connect with your higher self and tap into your personal inner wisdom. We all have it. We all have a higher self who sees the whole picture. We often can feel that inner/higher self, especially when it does not agree with our thoughts. When we are out of phase with it, if you will, we feel negative emotions. Those emotions can block our ability to brainstorm solutions. By connecting with your higher self, you can gain a deeper understanding of your thoughts, feelings, and desires. This connection can lead to self-discovery and personal growth, allowing you to make positive changes in your life and move forward on your healing journey.
Receive Validation and Confirmation in Psychic Readings
During a psychic reading, you may receive validation and confirmation of your feelings and experiences. This validation can be incredibly empowering and reassuring, especially if you have been struggling with self-doubt or uncertainty. Knowing that someone else sees and acknowledges your struggles can provide you with the confidence to trust your intuition and make important decisions in your therapy process.
Several clients over the years have had me help them double-check in with their thoughts and feelings. Life, thoughts, ego, etc. can keep us from trusting ourselves. Sorting out what we think and believe can provide long-term effects of self trust. A psychic reading can help you do that.
Explore Past Trauma and Blockages
Psychic readings can help you explore past trauma and identify emotional blockages that may be hindering your healing process. By delving into your past experiences, a psychic can uncover unresolved issues and offer guidance on how to release and heal from these wounds. Understanding the root causes of your pain can help you work through them in therapy and move toward a place of healing and wholeness.
Receive Guidance and Support
Psychics can offer guidance and support as you navigate through difficult situations or challenging emotions. Their insights and advice can help you see beyond your immediate struggles and envision a path toward healing and growth. By providing a fresh perspective and offering encouragement, psychics can empower you to face your challenges with strength and resilience.
A true lightworker should help you move forward. They will not create more fear and anxiety. They will not tell you that you must come back and pay them money to get your answer. If you need to talk to them again, you will know it.
As far as support, I know psychics who have bonded with several of their clients. The support can last for years. As energy goes out from a psychic to tune into your space, energy comes from the client, too. This energy exchange can create a loving bond that benefits both the reader and the client. I’ve also heard of clients telling their readers that the psychic guidance session is like a therapy session. Sometimes, depending on the therapis, much less expensive.
A psychic reading doesn’t have to be about highly emotional things. I called Beth Layne one time just because I was angry. I was angry that the car I had at the time, just a little Buick, was hit and broken by someone on the interstate. Everyone was fine, but I loved that little car. She said, “You’re going to get a better car.” And I did. A much, much better car. Something that small and seemingly insignificant helped me feel so much better even after an accident.
Psychic and Mediumship readings are not the same
If you are in therapy because you are struggling with grief or loss, a medium reading can help you connect with loved ones who have passed away. Mediums serve as a bridge between the physical world and the spiritual realm, allowing you to receive messages of love, healing, and support from those who have crossed over. This is not the same as a psychic reading. They are not interchangeable. Yet, both can bring comfort and closure, helping you find peace and acceptance in your healing journey.
A psychic may also have mediumship abilities. Most of the time, this is true. Whether or not they work with the other side may be a factor. On InsightPsychics.com we have a variety of light workers. We work together to provide the strongest insight from the most talented we have to offer. If I feel a reading with me needs a stronger medium than I am, I refer clients to specific readers.
Therefore, incorporating psychic readings into your therapy sessions can offer a unique and valuable perspective on your healing journey. From gaining clarity and insight to connecting with your higher self and receiving validation and support, psychics can enhance your therapy experience in numerous ways. Whether you are looking to explore past trauma or just receive guidance, a psychic reading can help you move toward healing and transformation. Consider adding a psychic reading to your therapy toolbox and open yourself up to new possibilities on your path to wellness.
Peace, Y’all–Leah