Major arcana
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Major Arcana Cards: 5 Ways to Unravel the Messages of Destiny

So, you’re thinking about diving into the world of tarot cards? Learning to read the major arcana cards can be a great place to start a fun and insightful journey. It’s all about connecting with your intuition and exploring the symbolism within the cards. As you start deciphering the meanings behind each card and uncovering…

live tarot reading
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Live Tarot Reading vs AI Generated: 7 Ways Live Tarot Readings Win the Argument

Live tarot readings are more accepted today than ever before. Yet, in today’s digital age, many people turn to technology for answers to life’s questions. One such trend is the use of AI-generated tarot readings as opposed to live tarot readings. AI-generated readings claim to provide insight and guidance. While these automated readings may seem…

tarot reading
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Tarot Reading: Delve into the Mystical World of the Major Arcana

The major arcana cards in tarot are the most powerful and significant cards in the deck. They represent major life events, spiritual growth, and important lessons that we must learn in our journey through life. When I read for clients, I love it when major cards pop up. It is true that each card has…

Major Arcana
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Major Arcana: A Fascinating Exploration of What’s Behind the Name

A Fascinating Exploration of the Name Behind Tarot’s Key Cards In the world of tarot, the Major Arcana is a powerful and mystical part of the deck. Listen to any tarot reader on YouTube, and they reference the Major Arcana as “auspicious.” Some might say “fortuitous.” Others might just say, “lucky.” But have you ever…

5 Steps to Learning the Exciting Major Arcana in Tarot
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5 Steps to Learning the Exciting Major Arcana in Tarot

Tarot cards have been used for centuries as a tool for divination and guidance. The major arcana cards are a set of 22 cards that represent significant life events, archetypes, and spiritual lessons. Each card has its own unique meaning and symbolism. Understanding their interpretations and interrelationships can provide valuable insights into your life’s journey….

The misty 7 of cups
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Understanding Tarot: 7 of Cups*

The 7 of Cups: Understand the Mist of Choice and Illusion In the rich tapestry of tarot, few cards capture the essence of human desires and choices quite like the 7 of Cups. This enigmatic card from the Minor Arcana presents a figure standing before an array of tempting gifts, each floating cup offering a…

6 Steps for Self-Love: You Can Absolutely Find It!
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6 Steps for Self-Love: You Can Absolutely Find It!

Self-love can be harder than it sounds, but it is absolutely not impossible. In this day of media overload, we often look to others to help us feel good about ourselves. We look at pictures of other people and compare ourselves. We post online videos, pictures, memes, etc. to express who we are, and we…