Ascension: 3 Powerful Things to Know
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Ascension: 3 Powerful Things to Know

Humanity is at a point of ascension. We are meant to be more than we are on a universal scale. What exactly does the word ascension mean, anyhow? How does ascension apply to you individually? Ascension As you delve into yourself, you will find that the world and universe are more vast than you initially…

child psychic medium
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10 Things I Wish I’d Known as a Child Psychic Medium

While your learning to navigate the world around you and realize you are different, that can add some challenges. Adding being a child psychic medium to the mix? Things get interesting pretty fast. Here are 10 things I wish I’d known as a child psychic medium.

The 2nd Chakra, Sacral: Taking Control of Your Life
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The 2nd Chakra, Sacral: Taking Control of Your Life

Swadhisthana, or sacral chakra, comes from two Sanskrit words meaning “one’s own” and “abode or dwelling.” It beautifully governs one’s desires and emotions. The 2nd chakra, the Sacral, is the creative and sexual energy center of our bodies. Connected to the element of water, it also represents the flow and movement of our existence. Located…