Empaths – 7 Very Little Known Surprising Facts
Little Known Facts About Empaths
Although it seems empaths have become a much more common thing over the last few years, many who are empaths still know very little about their beautiful gift.
The very first thing I do when I am working with an empath on developing is to make sure they actually understand the ability, and which experiences they have that point directly to being an empath. I believe the first step to development is fully understanding each ability.
It is Never the Only Psychic Ability Present
Empathy is a psychic ability, however, it is often looked at as a single ability in its own category due to the many challenges associated with it. There are several stages of awareness, or awakenings that accompany the gift with the main one being understanding what the ability is all about, and how to actually use it for the benefit of others, rather than viewing it as a curse.
It is important to note, though, that empathy is never the only ability in one’s psychic toolbox. If you are an empath, rest assured, you have other psychic abilities, and you may even have medium abilities.
There Are Many Different Types of Empaths
The most common type of empath is the emotional empath. For this reason, most associate empathy with only the perception of “feeling” others’ emotions.
There are many different types of empaths. All types of empathy have to do with perceiving through feeling, but differ in what type of feeling is perceived. An empath can have one, two, or even all of the different types.
Empaths Are Human Lie Detectors
It is next to impossible to lie to an empath without the empath knowing you are lying to them. They may not always tell you they know you have lied to them, but they do always know.
It is also next to impossible to regain the trust of an empath once you have lied to them.
I have never met an empath who did not hold honesty as extremely important to them in their relationships. They tend to prefer the cold, hard truth, no matter what it is.
Emotional Empaths Project Their Emotions
Emotional empaths are keenly aware that they absorb the emotions of others, but it usually is later on in their journey with the ability that they begin to realize they also project their own emotions out to others.
They carry the emotions of any room of people. If they walk in, for instance, to their office in the morning in a very upbeat, positive mood, then everyone else will be in a positive mood. The same is true for the empath being in a very bad mood and all those around them also being in a very bad mood.
Empaths Always Have Creative Abilities
Empaths always have creative abilities of some sort, whether it be writing, music, art, or some other type of creative ability. They are able to use these creative abilities to infuse emotion out into the world and make a huge impact on those they reach.
Their writing, in particular, can have a huge influence over others, however, the same is true with any of their creative abilities.
Empaths Often Attract Narcissists
As the old saying goes, opposites DO attract, therefore empaths often do attract narcissists and the opposite is also true! Though these relationships are never easy, they bring a tremendous amount of growth for empaths.
These relationships always bring an empath to the point of building personal emotional strength and cause them to set better emotional boundaries.
Empaths Need Time in Nature to Recharge
Nature is an empath’s best available resource. Being in nature often whether it be the woods, the river, the ocean, a backyard with trees, or wherever, is super important for empaths. It helps with grounding, as well as releasing any energies and emotions that have been absorbed. It also helps to recenter personal energy.
Whenever an empath is feeling overwhelmed emotionally, a little visit with nature can do a whole lot of good in calming and recentering those overwhelming emotions.
Feeling and observing the rhythmic flow of nature instantly puts empaths back in sync with all that is and brings a sense of calm, oneness and peace not available anywhere else. The earth’s rhymthm is healing.