child psychic medium
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10 Things I Wish I’d Known as a Child Psychic Medium

While your learning to navigate the world around you and realize you are different, that can add some challenges. Adding being a child psychic medium to the mix? Things get interesting pretty fast. Here are 10 things I wish I’d known as a child psychic medium.


Empaths – 7 Very Little Known Surprising Facts

Little Known Facts About Empaths Although it seems empaths have become a much more common thing over the last few years, many who are empaths still know very little about their beautiful gift. The very first thing I do when I am working with an empath on developing is to make sure they actually understand…

My S#$%
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Guides Caution: “Get Your S#$% Together” Is a Lie!!

As a functioning adult (or semi-functioning at the very least) I often take a moment to look around and evaluate myself. I ask my guides and myself, “Who am I? Where am I?” Also, as a psychic reader, energy reader, and medium, I have been known to have tunnel vision where I focus only on…