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Discover the 1 Benefit of Healing Through Mediumship

Healing Through Mediumship

There is a Benefit of Healing Through Mediumship

We all need healing as humans. We are prone to trauma. Some have chosen more than others. It may sound weird to think I chose some of my traumas, but when I have encountered healing from past trauma, it makes sense as to why, and how that helps my spiritual growth.

Before I could discern my gift of mediumship, I felt drawn to mediums myself, and someone introduced me to a medium that was well recommended. I truly enjoyed the experience, and I felt a great sense of relief after that reading.

When my sister-in-law passed away, I felt a great sense of regret for not being able to make it to her funeral. On the day of the reading the medium told me “She is saying she loves her nephew’s hair”. She was referring to my son’s hair. Right then I knew it was her.

This moment took me to a conversation I had with my sister-in-law while she was alive, and we sat by the front stoops of the house, and she started caressing my son’s hair and commenting on what beautiful highlights he has. It clicked for me, and my heart felt warm. It is really her!

Healing Through Mediumship

Fast forward years later, when I started fully opening to spirit, through the different readings and experiences, I have discovered that healing can be provided in different ways, but when you do experience healing, you feel a sense of relief as you also heal yourself. 

There are some of us that have been called on earth to serve as a legion of healers and mediums, The world always needed and needs healers.  Each person has the capacity to heal themselves if they truly open and tap into their energy, and others can link, guide or catapult someone into a healing path.

During most of the readings of have given, I find a pattern and I can relate personally to what people seek when they request a mediumship reading, they need to know that their loved one is ok. They need to have validation that it is really their loved one coming through, and they need to make a connection that can help them have hope that one day they could reunite again.

Perhaps during a healing session, there is an aha moment, and suddenly, what could have taken someone 4 years of therapy, can be accomplished in shorter time. This is because we have accessed our internal road map to healing. Connecting to spirit is a great way to provide healing through mediumship.

Perhaps someone is stuck in a long period of grief, and sometimes the darkness of the grief prevents someone from being ready to heal and move forward.  Knowing that our loved ones are ok, that they understand or actions on earth towards them better after they have passed, or simply that they are accepting of how things transpired can provide great healing through mediumship during a reading. It is almost as if the spirit knows exactly what you need, and this is because they do. They can offer healing through mediumship with the new acquired state, lighter and more evolved.

But I want to bring your attention to the fact that we can all help heal ourselves. As Mediums sometimes it is difficult to hear our diseased loved ones, that is because it is hard to keep objective in knowing that we know our loved ones and we wonder if it’s our loved one coming through or our imagination.

After 30 years, I was able to hear my grandmother’s spirit, she passed for 30 years and she has always been around me, but I was not ready to accept that her presence was truly around me. It was incredible to be able to feel her spirit and her energy again, her motherly love that I had missed since her passing when I was 7 years old.

Please know that it is never too late to seek healing and to move forward to the path of healing. Feel free to book a mediumship session today and enjoy the true gift of healing through mediumship!

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