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Live Tarot Reading vs AI Generated: 7 Ways Live Tarot Readings Win the Argument

live tarot reading

Live tarot readings are more accepted today than ever before. Yet, in today’s digital age, many people turn to technology for answers to life’s questions. One such trend is the use of AI-generated tarot readings as opposed to live tarot readings. AI-generated readings claim to provide insight and guidance. While these automated readings may seem convenient, there are several reasons why a live tarot reading with a real practitioner is a far superior option.

7 Benefits of a Live Tarot Reading

Personal Connection

One: Personal Connection: When you opt for a live tarot reading, you are connecting with a real person who can provide emotional support and empathy during the session. Another person intuitively looking at what the energy lays out can feel your personal perspective. This personal connection can make the reading more meaningful and impactful.

 In countless live tarot readings, once I can interact and step into another person’s energy, we can personalize what I see and feel to the client’s questions. An AI generated generic reading can provide this, but I’ve had clients tell me it was too much of a guessing game on their end.

interactive experience

Two: Interactive Experience: Unlike AI-generated readings, live tarot readings allow for a two-way conversation between you and the reader. You can ask questions, seek clarification, and actively participate in the reading process. In a live tarot reading with me, we can change the direction in any way that we desire. Many AI programs do a good job of using your personal astrology to identify energetic trends. Yet, in an interactive reading, we can allow other kinds of influences to direct us to the cards.

For example, a client and I were in the midst of a live tarot reading when I got the impulse to ask a very specific question. When I did, the client gasped. She said, “That’s my brother! He passed a few years ago.” Because she got that message that was particular to him and her, she was able to heighten the meaning and support she received from her reading. I am just a conduit, so I can be open to “the other side.” That means that we can have more than just each other interact with us. An AI program just can’t create this additional interaction for you. 

Customized guidance

Three: Customized Guidance: A live tarot reader can tailor the reading to your specific needs and questions. We can start one reading and then branch off to another reading and then return to the original. If someone on the other side of the veil (guides, angels, loved ones, pets, etc.) wants to participate in our play, they can possibly come through. They can provide personalized insights and advice based on your unique situation, making the reading more relevant and helpful.

When you are on an AI program, you ask a question to a computer or screen often only in your head. There is something helpful in saying the question to another human being out loud in our energetic exchange. The speaking of a question is a much more powerful energetic signature.

Energy exchange

Four: Energy Exchange: Energy plays a significant role in tarot readings, and a live tarot reading session allows for the direct exchange of energy between you and the reader. Whenever a reader “looks” into your energy, they pull energy out of themselves. This energy must be replenished. When there is an exchange between the reader and listener, energy can be given to the listener and the reader.

Transmuting of energy can also occur. So that means that if someone comes into a live tarot reading in a low vibration of sadness or depression, this energetic connection and exchange can elevate them. Clients often cry which is a form of energetic release and a sign of a quick shift in energy. A live tarot reading can enhance the accuracy and depth of the reading.

Real-time feedback

Five: Real-Time Feedback: With a live tarot reading, you receive immediate feedback, clarity, and guidance as the reading unfolds. This real-time interaction can help you process the information more effectively and make informed decisions. With an AI program, the best you can do to simulate additional feedback is to refresh. If you’ve ever tried to gain clarity from a computer-programmed reading, you probably ended up with more questions than answers and a feeling of lack. Real-time feedback can flow via your questioning and requestioning.

intuitive interpretation

Six: Intuitive Interpretation: A live tarot reader uses their intuition and psychic abilities to interpret the cards and provide insights beyond the literal meanings. This intuitive approach adds depth and nuance to the reading, providing a richer experience.A reader may not know the meaning of what they are getting. They may ask a question that allows a client to interpret what is being revealed. 

A live tarot reader has learned to just flow with the energy. They look at the entire context. Hopefully, they keep themselves out of their interpretation. That is unless they are given an intuitive message that relates to a shared life experience. When this happens, they are strongly compelled to tell you a personal story because someone, somewhere (a guide, angel, loved one, pet, etc) wants to give you that same message. Therefore, an intuitive interpretation can provide a depth that AI just can’t algorithm out. 


Seven: Trust and Authenticity: When you choose a live tarot reading, you can be assured of the authenticity of the reading and the reader. You can trust in the skills and expertise of the practitioner, knowing that they are dedicated to providing genuine guidance. ealize, a live tarot reader is invested in you because he or she is hoping to have you return for other readings.

Now, I have a special note about Trust and Authenticity. Pay attention to whether or not a reader is creating an atmosphere of light or dark. A lightworker will move you toward a lighter, more fulfilling path that improves your life. Someone who is not working for the light can leave you in fear and dependence on them for another reading. There are people out there who only want your money and will use what they know to keep you hooked and dependent because of fear. Leave them and get a second opinion from an experienced reader. 

While AI-generated tarot readings may offer convenience, they lack the personal touch, customization, and authenticity of a live tarot reading. The unique benefits of live sessions, including personal connection, interactive experience, and real-time feedback, make them a superior choice for those seeking guidance and insight. So why settle for a generic and impersonal reading when you can experience the depth and authenticity of a live tarot session.

So, are you ready to experience the profound benefits of a live tarot reading? Trust in the power of connection, intuition, and authenticity as you embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Choose live tarot over AI-generated for a transformative and enriching experience.

Peace, y’all!


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