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Tarot Reading: Delve into the Mystical World of the Major Arcana

tarot reading

The major arcana cards in tarot are the most powerful and significant cards in the deck. They represent major life events, spiritual growth, and important lessons that we must learn in our journey through life. When I read for clients, I love it when major cards pop up. It is true that each card has its own unique symbolism, imagery, and meanings, but for me, they can offer guidance and insight into the major aspects of your life. What follows is a list of the cards and my general explanation of each card’s meaning.  Please know that this is general. I can give you an individual reading that is much more specific and intuitive.

The Fool

The Fool – 0

The Fool is the first card in the major arcana and represents new beginnings, innocence, and spontaneity. When he shows up in a tarot reading, I love that this card signifies taking a leap of faith and embarking on a new adventure with a sense of optimism and excitement. He shows me someone who is young and inexperienced without awareness of the possible pitfalls that life may bring. He (or she) is ready to take a leap into the unknown without reservation or fear with a readiness and verve that inspires others, even dogs, to participate. Also the number zero signifies an openness to whatever life brings in this new beginning or restart. 

The Magician

The Magician – I

As the Fool begins his journey, he encounters the opposing forces of his ego. The first part is the conscious masculine the Magician. The Magician represents manifestation, power, activeness, and initiative. When he shows up in my tarot readings, he symbolizes the ability to take action and bring your desires into reality through focus, willpower, balance, and creativity. Yet, as I caution clients, he must be in balance with all forces to manifest his desires. It can represent the baby becoming aware that it is now in a body that must be manipulated to get what it needs. As I explain in a tarot reading, he must cry for hunger or discomfort which is a manipulation of others around him. He is the ego. The number 1 on his card represents a new beginning or fresh start.

If he shows up in a reading from me, we often take a moment to identify where your ego is helping or hurting your progress to something new.

The High Priestess

The High Priestess – II

Just as the Magician is the conscious part of ego, the High Priestess is the opposing unconscious. The High Priestess is a card of intuition, mystery, and inner wisdom. Notice the difference between the Magician in the outdoors and she has curtains hiding what’s behind her. She represents the deeper, subconscious aspects of ourselves and urges us to listen to our inner voice and trust our intuition. When she shows up in a tarot reading, the question is to what extent that the fool will hold on to his/her natural connection to an inner world or divine or allow the Magician (ego) to take precedence. Number 2 on her card is associated with harmony, partnership, and creativity. 

The Empress – III

The Empress is a card of fertility, abundance, and nurturing. She is the next to come into focus because, like a mother, she is the provider to the baby of all needs, since the Fool is like a spiritual baby. She represents creativity, sensuality, and the beauty of the natural world as Mother Earth. In my tarot readings, this card encourages you to connect with your feminine energy and embrace the power of creation. She is complete and confident in her support. So, as a baby becomes aware of itself, it next becomes aware of its mother. When we see this card shows in one of my tarot readings, number 3 is a number that shows balance. It’s a good thing.

The Emperor

The Emperor – IV

Just like the Magician and the High Priestess, the Emperor is a balancing card. The Emperor represents authority, leadership, and solid structure. He symbolizes order, control, and stability, and encourages you to take charge of your life. He is the father to the baby, providing the skills needed to survive away from the protection of home. If the mother is the foundation in the home, he is the foundation for the future. He is strength that is far reaching and tough loving. A 4 symbolizes balance in structure and foundation. 

The Heirophant

The Hierophant – V

As the Fool moves out to the wider world, he must navigate the traditions and beliefs of not only his family, but also his cultural belief systems. The Hierophant is a card of tradition and spirituality. He represents seeking guidance from a higher power or spiritual authority and following the rules and traditions that have been passed down through generations. The card looks religious, but it is often considered representative of many beliefs. Often, this card shows up in my tarot readings when someone is going through a spiritual awakening. The Hierophant provides customs and a group with which one (or the Fool) can belong. Here, the Fool learns conformity and belonging outside of his parental influences. This card symbolizes an awareness that he must conform to someone’s beliefs to move forward in life. The number 5 can be one of struggle and strife, but not avery harsh one.

The Lovers

The Lovers – VI

It’s always so intriguing to me when the Lovers show up in my tarot readings! The Lovers represent love, relationships, and choices. This card symbolizes harmony, partnership, and the union of opposites. It encourages you to make decisions from the heart and choose paths that align with your values and beliefs. The Fool now is no longer only looking at how his needs are met, but he is finding he has new needs for a sexual union and a partnered relationship. Now, one must determine the beliefs that will be carried forward into a relationship. The fool no longer looks to just please himself or his family, he looks to please someone outside of it. The number 6 is associated with love, care, and nurturing. 

The Chariot

The Chariot – VII

Since becoming an adult, the Fool feels he has mastery over himself. With willpower, he has the ability to overcome obstacles. When I see the Chariot is a card o in my tarot readings of determination, willpower, and victory. It symbolizes overcoming obstacles, moving forward with confidence, and achieving success through discipline and focus.

I always tell clients that this is a card of victory and control and movement. The Charioteer captures what he wants and is full of vinegar and spiciness. Here the Fool is ready to focus his life in a direction that embraces new experiences. Like a road trip, the Chariot encourages the Fool to buckle up and embark on an adventure with excitement and courage. The number 7 is often associated with spirituality, introspection, and a quest for knowledge. 


Strength – VIII

Strength represents courage, inner strength, and resilience. It symbolizes facing challenges with grace and compassion and harnessing your inner power to overcome difficulties and achieve your goals. As the Fool matures and snuggles into his new self, he must face challenges that determine his level of strength. He must determine whether or not he has the strength and courage to resolve setbacks and keep going. When in a tarot reading The Strength shows up, I advise clients to take a softer approach to life similar to capturing flies with honey as opposed to trying to catch them with vinegar.

The number 8 in tarot is often associated with strength, courage, and determination. It signifies a time for taking action and moving forward with confidence. When the number 8 appears my readings, it’s like a friendly nudge from the universe to trust your inner strength and embrace any challenges that come your way. 

The Hermit

The Hermit – IX

The Hermit is a card of introspection, solitude, and inner guidance. It represents taking time to reflect, seek answers within yourself, and connect with your inner wisdom. If it shows up as advice in my tarot readings, this card encourages one to trust one’s inner voice and intuition. Here the Fool begins to ask “Why?” He searches for reasons for his existence and the life he has created thus far. He looks inward and in solitude. He does not seek a mentor, but instead looks for his answers within. He is almost to the end of something and the beginning of something new. 

The number 9 in tarot is a number filled with wisdom, resilience, and nearing completion. In my tarot readings, the 9 cards often signify a time of reflection, introspection, and reaching the final stages of a cycle. 9 is a reminder in a tarot reading to trust the journey, embrace any challenges with grace, and look forward to new beginnings on the horizon. It brings with it quiet solitude.

The Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune- X

After a period of introspection, the Fool sees a pattern to his life. He sees the connection of the wonder of the world to his place in it. In my tarot readings, the Wheel of Fortune is always a movement card and symbolizes how the universe works with us and is always turning in our direction. Some events seem like fate or destiny, and after his time of introspection, he is ready to move again. In other words, he has found a turning point in the Wheel of Fortune. This is an optimistic card in that it encourages one to embrace the changes that are inevitable because the universe is always moving for your desires. 

Like the Wheel of Fortune itself, 10 represents completion, fulfillment, and the end of a cycle. When you see the number 10 show up in a tarot reading, it’s a gentle nudge to embrace the lessons you’ve learned and be open to new beginnings.


Justice – XI

With Justice, the fool now must sit in judgment of himself and survey what has brought him to this point. Similarly to the Emperor, his paternal energy entreats him to take responsibility for who and what he is. From this point, he can create a better world for himself. As I explain to clients in full tarot readings, Jutice must be served to continue anew and renewed. Thus, this is a time of decision. Will he move toward the change he needs, or will he slip back into old beliefs until the Wheel of Fortune brings the same issues back around for another inspection? How judgemental will he be? After all, as I say in my readings, my judgment of others is only finding judgment in myself. 

11 in tarot symbolizes balance, fairness, and karmic repercussions. It reminds us to seek harmony in our actions and decisions, showing that justice will prevail in due time. This powerful number encourages us to stay true to our values and make choices that align with our integrity. 

The Hanged Man

Hanged Man – XII

Now, after introspection and justice, the fool encounters a personal cross, however, he does not fear it, instead he embraces it. He makes it his own. Yet, as he relenquishes control and waits for the universe to deliver answers, he also begins to see things in a new and different way. When he appears in my tarot readings, he shows that he has learned to surrender rather than fight. Because of this, he is no longer bound by constraints, but instead living in the moment and at peace. 

A twelve is really a 3 in numerology. In tarot readings three is a card of balance just like he is balancing and finding peace in this position on the branch. A twelve is optimistic for a better future.


Death – XIII

The fool now fully lets go of old habits and approaches. He declutters. He puts parts of himself that he has outgrown to rest. Parts of it may be painful, but he knows with great confidence and surety that death is not permanent. It is a transition to a new life. The horse is in a pose of moving forward toward the spiritual icon to a new spiritual place. 

When I have the Death card show up in a tarot reading, I always think, “Oh, Goody!” I don’t mean that sarcastically. Death is sure and consistent. It is a gateway to a new beginning. It must happen to move into a better place. It is to be welcomed.

The number 13 has a reputation for being unlucky, but in numerology, it is associated with transformation, rebirth, and new beginnings. It is the ultimate freedom, especially from the confines of this world, body and ego. In that context, it is a symbol of positive change.


Temperance – XIV

Up to this current point, the Fool has had to stabilize his emotions. He notices that he prefers temperance not the tides of emotions. Now that he has experienced extremes, he is now the master of emotions, letting them flow from place to place (cup to cup) at will. He is calm and poised with a foot that is grounded and a foot that is steeped in emotion. This is a card of health physically and emotionally. When I have Temperance show up in a tarot reading, it is a sign that you have reached a point where you are aware of your emotions and your self. We look at where in your life it is one step beyond death, and it is one step to moving forward beyond an ending.


Devil – XV

Much like the Death card, the Devil card in tarot may appear to be a bad sign at first. Actually, it is the next logical step for the Fool. As he has now become self aware, he must now examine his fears and beliefs that may be holding him back from his full potential. It is not just a representation of evil, but rather evil is what we perceive. Notice the couple shown with the Devil could free themselves from his bondage, but they are complacent and oblivious to that fact. When this shows up in a reading, we examine the fears that are creating self-limiting beliefs, and we strive to conquer them or eliminate them.

The number 15 is a sign of opportunity if you are willing to do the work. It is often associated with creativity, expression, and harmony. It symbolizes a balance between independence and companionship, reminding us to seek fulfillment in both our personal and social lives. The number 15 pushes us to embrace our uniqueness instead of feeling different because of it.  

The Tower

The Tower card in Tarot might look a bit intimidating with its imagery of destruction and chaos, but it is often a welcomed change. So many times we humans cannot overcome our fears and the universe creates scenarios that make us change. This card actually signifies much-needed change and transformation. It’s like a cosmic reminder that sometimes things need to fall apart to make way for something better.

So the Fool will overcome his fears even if the Tower has to fall in order for him to do so. I encourage clients in a tarot reading to ebrace opportunities for growth. I encourage them to trust that whatever crumbles will pave the path for stronger foundations and brighter beginnings ahead! Into every life, rain must fall.

In numerology, the number 16 holds a unique blend of energies . It signifies intuition, creativity, and growth because, like the tower, it demands it. Those influenced by the number 16 are often seen as innovative thinkers with a strong sense of independence and determination. This number encourages individuals to trust their inner wisdom and take bold steps towards their goals.

The Star

The universe is systematic and loving and The Star card shows this. The Star card in tarot is a symbol of hope, inspiration, and renewal. Similar to Temperence, it is like Temperance 2.0. It shines brightly, reminding us to stay optimistic and trust in the universe’s divine timing. Like a guiding light in the darkness, it encourages us and the Fool to believe in manifesting dreams and embrace inner wisdom. So, whenever this card appears in my tarot readings, I know that brighter days are on the horizon, and you have the power to manifest your deepest desires. Trust in the magic of the Star card and let it guide you towards positivity and fulfillment.

The number 17 is associated with strength, self-confidence, and a positive outlook on life. 17 is considered a symbol of good luck and prosperity.

The Moon card in a tarot reading symbolizes intuition, uncertainty, and the subconscious mind. When this card appears in a reading, it reminds us to trust our inner self, especially feelings, and pay attention to our dreams. Here, the Fool needs to explore the hidden realms of his psyche and embrace the mysteries of life. In a way, this is a resurgence of the Devil card, but with much less fear associated with it. Once the Fool has evolved, his fears are more shadow than impairment. So, if the Moon card pops up in my tarot reading, I encourage clients to take a moment to dive deep within themselves and listen to the whispers of the soul.

The Sun card in Tarot is like a burst of warm, golden energy lighting up your life! This card is all about positivity, success, and finding joy in your journey. Just like the sun shines brightly in the sky, this card brings a sense of optimism and abundance to my readings. Here, the Fool is evolved, and it is his new shining self that he is giving to the world. He has nothing to hide because he has purged all of his shadows and fears. I encourage clients in my tarot readings to embrace its radiant energy and let it guide them towards a brighter and more fulfilling future.

When the Judgment card appears in a tarot reading, it’s like a gentle nudge from the universe encouraging you to reflect on your past actions and make positive changes for your future. This card signifies a time of self-evaluation and personal growth, urging you to let go of any self-doubt or regrets holding you back. In this card, the Fool has completely shed his his ego. He can now rise up and be renewed and transformed. His path ahead is more fulfilling because of the journey he has survived and embraced. He is now able to answer the call for his soul’s true purpose! As I tell clients in a tarot reading, trust in the process, and remember that with every ending comes a fresh new beginning.

The World card in tarot is all about completion, achievement, and wholeness. It signifies the end of a long journey and the start of a new chapter and it is filled with success and contentment. When this card appears in my tarot eading, it’s like a pat on the back from the universe, telling you that you’ve done well and that great things are on the horizon. You’ve reached a significant milestone on your path to greater things. The 21 on the card show completion, balance and prosperity. It is like a winning hand in a card game!

The Fool here has completed a full and fulfilled life. His future is sure to be successful as he has conquered his involvement in the world. He is aware of and in love with his talents. He is ready to prosper with a heart full of experience and understanding.

The major arcana cards in tarot offer a rich tapestry of symbolism and meaning that can provide profound insights into your life’s journey. By exploring the archetypes and lessons represented in these cards, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your relationships, and your spiritual path. Embrace the wisdom of the tarot and allow it to illuminate your path forward with clarity and guidance.

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