Psychic Medium
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2 Types of Readings – Medium and Psychic – Which is Right for You?

As our society moves to a virtual platform, there are more and more advertisements and videos of psychics and mediums. Yet many times there is a lack of explanation about their abilities and what that means for the person booking them. Let me help you understand and identify the difference.


Mediumship, in a nutshell, is the ability to connect with souls that once inhabited this physical plane. That means they lived a lifetime here on earth and have since departed. As a medium, we can connect friends, family, coworkers, etc., with those who have departed and relay information or messages to the living world. Different levels or vibrations can change the type of message received.

If a soul becomes trapped between here and the spirit realm, they are often called a ghost and carry a lower vibration. These are the apparitions that ghost hunters seek, and people experience as hauntings. The souls become trapped due to unfinished business or possibly because they have not accepted or understood that they exited their physical form.

So, as a medium, the message is more about healing the trapped spirit. If it is unfinished business, the focus is on the spirit and helping them move through what is blocking them from crossing into the spirit realm. I often see this when someone has passed from an unexpected illness, the knowledge that their family was dependent on them, or they do not accept that they have passed away. So, my work as a medium is to communicate with the soul, find out what is keeping them trapped and unable to find spiritual peace, and then help them work through that so they may rest and have soul healing in the spirit realm.


Another way I use my mediumship is to connect with souls that have crossed over to the spirit realm. This is where souls return to their natural form and can become one with their higher self. The higher self is the more significant portion of our soul that does not inhabit the physical realm. These connections are of a higher vibration than previously mentioned.

In this instance, a feeling of peace and lightness indicates they have fully moved on. The messages here are those of love and compassion for the people seeking to communicate with them, or, in many cases, they come through as they know there is deep healing needed for the person in front of the medium, even if they were not explicitly requested. That’s right; powerful mediums can directly call forward who you want to connect with, should they be able to cross the “veil” between the spirit and physical realms. If they cannot come forward, rest assured that another spirit (guide, family member, friend) will communicate why that soul cannot be reached.

Mediumship varies on the vibrational scale. Those stuck in between tend to have a lower vibration and surround themselves with negative emotions. On other occasions, souls are stuck in between and surround themselves with love; they are not as common in my experience. The beauty of being a medium is that you have a sense of fulfillment because you are helping a physical and spiritual soul simultaneously. It’s a two-for-one deal if you will. So, what is a higher vibrational message?

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In my experience, this is when the psychic side shines. It connects with departed souls and souls and energies that have never had a physical form on earth… yet. I cannot predict the future, so I cannot say they never inhabit a bodily form, as they very well may do so in the future. When I tap into the psychic side of my metaphysical gifts, I can communicate with spirit guides, angels, ascended masters, and many more beings of love and light. The messages conveyed here can also encompass healing and much grander messages for the person in front of me.

My psychic connection allows me to identify life path choices that you have coming up or diversions in your current trajectory that need to be adjusted to reach your higher purpose. That is what I mean when I say higher vibrational messages. You see, it is not just about you in the here and now but about your life purpose in the physical realm. Messages that provide clarity of mind and heart when deciding on different paths to take. Often referred to as life path readings, we help you connect with your soul’s desires, your strengths and where fulfillment can be found.

As a psychic, I believe these messages are higher vibration due to you asking questions and seeking knowledge. It is about healing something inside of you and reaching for better alignment and understanding of your soul’s mission and yourself. This increases your vibration and thus is often guided by higher vibrational beings.

Book a psychic reading with Alisha Bee

Psychic Connection to Higher Vibration

What to know more about psychics? Click Here

So What Does This Mean

So, now that you have a bunch of information that may not seem to make sense, let me summarize the big points more quickly.

  • Mediumship
    • A beautiful way to connect with lost loved ones
    • A way to clear stuck souls that have not fully passed on
    • Seeking ways to heal that include a specific person(s) that has passed
  • Psychics
    • Provide a more significant message that reaches beyond a snapshot of healing
    • Guide your soul purpose or fulfilling career choices
    • Elevate your being to help you reach a more balanced and aligned feeling (energy).

In the world we live in today, many of us feel lost or confused about what to do, how to heal, or if we are doing the right thing in life. Each one of those questions has an answer waiting for you, just not always as cut and dry as you hope. As spirits, including ghosts, do not function within a linear timeframe as we do, the messages may not be linear in reception either. That does not negate the message. It just means you need to take any reading you have gently and not obsess over it. Obsessive behavior can change the energy that you are in and change your life trajectory, therefore challenging the messages you have received.

Let me say that whoever you are attracted to when seeking a psychic or medium is the person you are meant to connect with. You see, your spiritual team is with you every second of your life and will aid in connecting you to the right person. The most important takeaway is that you feel comfortable with whomever you are receiving a reading from!

Book a psychic reading today to gain clarity and direction! Alisha Bee

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