6 Restorative Benefits of Energy Healing

As an energy practitioner, I often get asked to clarify what I do and how it helps. I thought it would benefit readers to know what they are getting into. So, without further introduction, let’s discuss the benefits of an energy session with me, Alisha Bee.
Mental Clarity
One of the first things I typically do is incorporate energy healing that provides mental clarity. If your mind is not clear enough to work through the events that need healing, I am doing a disservice to my clients. Clarity of mind healing helps to calm your running thoughts and bring about understanding and resolution.
This is not just for someone who studies. Mental clarity benefits clients by allowing them to respond to situations in a focused and calm manner. When clarity of mind is found, the body reduces the energy output so that you maintain energy levels throughout the day. We all know how much stress, anxiety, fear, doubt, and other negative emotions can affect productivity. Energy healing sessions can help you create better practices for mind clarity, boosting your productivity and daily contributions.
Pain Relief
If you are someone like myself who has been diagnosed with a chronic condition, energy healing can help. The benefit of using focused energy can be where you experience issues or pain, or it can go to the whole body. It can wake up cells and bring your body’s natural ability to heal online.
I was diagnosed with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) in 2023, which, in short, is a neurologic condition that “never” gets better. Instead, it is said that the condition only progresses until it affects the entire body. As detrimental as that was to hear, I decided I would work on myself using energy. For the past few months, I have been living pain-free and working on rebuilding my muscles. So I know the benefit of energy work. Does this mean your results will be the same? No. But honestly, they can be, but there is work involved on your part, which will be discussed in the Actions section.
Learn more about energy healing here.

Shadow Work
This term can be hard to understand. I honestly thought it had to do with embracing the darker aspects of my personality when I first heard it. It deals with issues from our past, generational past, or past lives. This provides the benefits of deep diving into understanding yourself, releasing events that still hold power over you, and creating a more vibrant outlook on life.
I believe shadow work is the hardest thing we do because it teaches us to love ourselves. In a world where they love to create competition, shadow work helps us understand there is no competition. Instead, we are all beautifully unique in our beings and are here for a specific purpose or life reason. When you love yourself, magical benefits occur, such as finding supportive and not controlling love, learning what true friendship and connection are, and learning more about your strengths and goals.
Need help on your journey of transformation? Book a session with Alisha Bee
My clients’ number one reaction to an energy session is the feeling of lightness. It is described as a feeling of having a physical weight lifted off their being by the end. This is accomplished through your acceptance of the healing, the power of the energy to move throughout your being, and the removal of negativity and darkness.
This feeling may not last long, but it is a quick benefit of confirmation for the work done. As humans, we like to know when something works immediately, which seems to be the cue for most of my clients. I will say that this feeling is accompanied when you, as the client, set the intention to accept the healing and release any doubt about its worth.
Have you ever wondered how people smile as if they genuinely enjoy living? I am one of those people with a smile who genuinely loves living! You see, connect daily with other people, animals, and our Creator (source energy). I have learned that every moment is precious, and I found that when doing energy meditations.
Energy meditations are used in my practice. Although not always a guided meditation, sound therapy is present in my sessions. This is because frequencies profoundly impact the body, ranging from cognitive capabilities to the healing of individual body systems. These frequencies create the background of the session that elevates mood and brings about a tranquil feeling.

This is my favorite part of energy sessions. Actions are how you, as the client, can continue the healing after our session ends. Generally, Spirit, in one form or another, will give specific events you have not fully worked through or points in your timeline that were not emotionally and energetically processed. As they bring these events to my attention to relay to you, they ask that you begin the self-work, known as shadow work!
You see, Spirit will take this opportunity for you to evolve yourself by giving you a clear direction. Spirit will provide guidance, whether that evolution is in a relationship, career, or internal. It is always amazing to see faces change as I bring up something that I shouldn’t know, a way for you to confirm what I get but also know and accept that energy healing is real.
Book your energy session with Alisha Bee now!